The most common outer ear infection (otitis externa) is referred to as ‘Swimmers Ear’ as it is prevalent in people who swim. The ear canals fill with water which can remain wet for long periods, resulting in an infection of inflammation of the ear canal.
Symptoms include ear pain, itchiness, discharge, redness inside the ear and hearing loss.
Medical treatment, in the form of prescribed drops and pain relief, is required. Ear wax removal via microsuction also has an important role to play in tandem with this treatment.
Here is what we recommend for patients with outer ear infections
Seek immediate medical advice. Book in to see your GP or if you have ear pain or go straight to the Emergency Department if the pain is severe, especially when pressing the bone behind your ear or pushing the ear forward. Urgent Care options are available, including on the weekends, where you can wait to see a GP or be seen immediately by an Emergency doctor.
Book microsuction prior to starting drops. Prior to starting medicated drops (Sofradex or Otodex are most commonly prescribed), it is important to have debris (ear wax, dead skin and pus) removed to ensure the drops can reach deeper into the ear canal and take effect. Our audiologists at Clear Ears Perth are not medical practitioners and cannot prescribe medication. Our role is to remove the debris to allow any prescribed topical antibiotic drops to penetrate and treat the source of the infection. We work in collaboration with your GP to ensure the quickest recovery from an ear infection. If the infection has not resolved with the current treatment or keeps recurring, your GP may take a culture swab to identify what strain of infection you have.
DO NOT attempt to remove wax yourself. Often when people have a blocked ear caused by ear wax they are desperate to get some relief from the horrible sensation and resort to self cleaning their ears, or using at home or over the counter remedies (such as cotton tips, wax softeners) which can increase the risk of an ear infection. We understand that suddenly having a blocked ear with reduced hearing can be distressing but these DIY ear wax removal remedies can exacerbate the symptoms and in turn cause an infection of the outer ear (otitis externa).
Do not undergo ear syringing. This technique, which uses water to flush the ear canal, can exacerbate the inflammation and infection.
Keep your ears dry. It is important to keep the external ear canal as dry as possible during treatment and for two weeks after, using ear plugs (if they can be inserted without pain), a bathing or shower cap or Blu Tack. Clear Ears Perth fits custom made ear plugs designed for use while swimming and showering or working in noisy environments.
Monitor symptoms and follow up if required: Symptoms usually clear up after one week of treatment. If symptoms persist, please return to your doctor. You may require a follow up microsuction, to remove the remaining topical drops or debris, after the course of drops has finished. The follow up consultation Clear Ears Perth is charged at 50% of the original appointment price. Ideally the ear will heal with the application of the medicated ear drops and you may not require further microsuction.
In summary:
Seek medical treatment if you experience ear pain
Undergo microsuction prior to using medicated ear drops
Only use ear drops that are prescribed by a medical practitioner and use them as directed, ensuring you complete the treatment plan
Do not try at home or DIY remedies
Keep your ears dry
Please do not try and clean your ears yourself
Recurrent diffuse otitis externa can be prevented by keeping the external ear canal free of water, by using ear plugs, or a shower or bathing cap, when swimming and showering.
Acetic acid plus isopropyl alcohol ear drops (Aqua Ear) can be purchased over the counter and administered following exposure to water (4 – 6 drops in each ear after water is shaken from the ear.)
Other things to note
In some cases intense pain, the complete blocking of the external ear canal and fever and infection beyond the external canal may occur. In these cases oral antibiotics may be required.
In other cases, the infection may be fungal rather than bacterial. This is known as otomycosis, which is usually diagnosed when an otoscopy detects fungal debris. Patients with diabetes or those who are immune compromised are at higher risk of otomycosis, which is treated with Kenacomb Otic or Otocomb Otic medicated ear drops.
****Please Note - Outer Ear Infections are not the same as Middle Ear Infections****